Tuesday 25 April 2017

A Robicheaux Trail

I had always thought that New Iberia was like Stephen Booth's Edendale, a fictional town set in a real landscape, but when we got the Louisiana map there it was! A real place! Of course we had to visit. 
We started a Books on the Teche which has a good stock of signed James Lee Burke's first editions, Robicheaux and others. We were 3 weeks too late for the annual Robicheaux Festival but Beloved got the Tshirt.
 We went round town trying and often failing to find the sites from the books despite the useful guide but we did see East Main Street 
"one of the most beautiful streets in the old south or perhaps the whole country"  A Stained White Radiance.

And St peters Church where Annie Robicheaux is buried in Heaven's Prisoners.

And had lunch at Victor's Cafe Dave's favourite lunch place where he sometimes takes prisoners.

Sadly the Rayou Teeche Museum was closed because New Iberia's other famous son is George Rodrigue famous for his Blue Dog paintings and one had been returned home to the museum to much local pride. We had seen one of his sculptures at the NOMA sculpture park.

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