Saturday 22 April 2017

Riverboat jazz

Well you can't come to New Orleans as a tourist and not go on a Riverboat can you? There are two paddle boats, the Creole Queen and the Natchez; both reproductions of course. The paddle boats were originally designed  for going upriver to St Louis where the water can be much shallower. Despite their size they only draft 5ft.

Each offers various "jazz cruises" with a live band and optional buffet. The Creole Queen is the more modern and its wheel is powered by Diesel turbines. The Natchez was built in 1975 but uses reclaimed steam engines made in 1925 although they now use diesel fuel rather than coal  to power them  We chose the Natchez solely because they offered fresh fruit as part of their buffet and we were feeling fried sugary food to death. As we were taking photographs from the deck most of them are of the Creole Queen.

The advantage of the steam engine is that they can play a real Calliope steam organ  whilst you wait to board.; the steam from the engine playing the pipes. Also the could have a good old fashioned steam hooter and whenever they passed near the Creole Queen they would give a good few unanswered hoots just to rub it in.

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