Saturday 22 April 2017

The Big Muddy

The Mississippi is a river you certainly wouldn't want to swim in. "The Big Muddy" is a pretty accurate description. Also New Orleans is a working port on the scale of Rotterdam so it is pretty industrial with some enormous barges. 

The river is at it's highest at the moment 17ft above normal levels because it is carrying melt-water from the Rockies and the spring rains from further north.
There is a pleasant park where they had the World's Fair in 1984 and we spent a good hour sitting there listening to a busker playing solo cornet. He had a wide repertoire and didn't repeat himself except for some reason he played Incy Wincey Spider 3 times.

The park goes upriver past so public statues to the theatre.

 I got quite excited as to what may be on, Tennessee Williams, Shakespeare, Arthur Miller? I then saw that the theatre was billed as "big-screen" and realised that it was another of those occasions where American obscurates the English.

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